Saturday, July 27, 2024

Learning From a Good Teacher


Pull the trigger

Nelly Dableo

’Experiences are the best teachers in life,’’ as the saying goes. Therefore, it is expected that we always learn from our experiences. But, oftentimes, we forget to pay attention to little things and set aside the learning process itself.

When you are biking down a gravel-strewn road and accidentally slam into a tree, you learn something. You learn for example not to look on ‘’cute guys’’ on the sidewalk, instead pay attention to the road. You learn not to daydream when you pull on the handle of the door to the library when the instruction says push. When you’re strutting leisurely along the corridors of your school and fall flat on your butt, you learn something, too.

Obviously, we learn a lot of things from our experiences now and then. It may not be everyday that we encounter something extraordinary, but it is in everyday that each of us is molded into what we will become tomorrow.

And you know what? The best thing I learned from experience isn’t brought about by intelligence, fame, not even riches- nothing of that sort. Rather, it is in living one day at a time with a foreseeing eye on the future and a will to survive and go on. It is in facing every day with a courageous and faithful heart to our Almighty God, ready for any complexities to come.

I can quite remember the time when I did everything just so I’d be smart or as skilled as some of my friends and classmates. I studied 4 hours a day just to get high grades. I kept myself updated to blend in with the latest trend. But still I was not satisfied.

Then, I learned to live not just to exist. I also learned not to worry if I made mistakes. I learned to enjoy what I was doing and not to take everything as a challenge or competition. I learned to let go of things and move on. And I eventually learned that there is more to enjoy in life than constantly trying to catch up with everyone and everything. We have our own speed and capabilities. Now, I’m enjoying expressing myself in the things I’m good at and not on the things I do just because I feel inferior to someone.

Honestly, I have committed a terrible mistake for taking the process for granted. I have always wanted things to go my way. I have forgotten the real meaning of living and learning through my mistakes because sometimes I think I already know everything. I am just an average student. I am no smart kid. But I think I’m privileged enough I got the best teacher of all time: Jesus. We just need to discover for ourselves. And through Him, every day for me is another page to be filled with amazing memories.

No matter how we see the world, we are bound to be exposed to different angles and different distances. This life has a lot to offer and we need to discover, learn, and become better persons out of it. It is also important not just to learn, but to understand the process for us to make the right choices in the future. Learning doesn’t stop at school, it doesn’t always start in homes either, rather, it perfectly begins in us based on our experiences that keep us moving forward. Let us all learn from it. We should appreciate every little failure and success that comes our way. Believe me, we can become great out of these little things.


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