Saturday, July 27, 2024

It Is Done!


COLUMN NAME: In Search For Truth

Columnist: LJ Zaphan Lamboloto

Behind every broken heart are the unheard forlorn melodies of perpetual hope — hope that would somehow bridge the gap and emptiness that we have always longed to fill. Behind every memory that we either treasure or regret is the yearning for someone to truly love and care for us not just because of how beautiful and charming we are, but simply just the way we are.

We have often sought to find a person to be that hope, the hope to somehow fix our shattered and broken pieces and repair the parts that makes us who we truly are. Most of us have tried to take our chances, roll our dices, and just say yes to the promises that love upholds, but are blinded to the heart-breaks lurking on the other side of the line. We have sometimes tried to hasten the journey into intimacy without knowing why we love in the first place, hence damaging once more the already shattered-precious hearts that we are barely hanging into.

Love is not just a word that we can simply utter with our lips and forget about the next day, rather to love is to leave mediocrity, it is to excel and progress with all the might to pursue relentlessly and persistently the apple of our eyes.

To love and to be loved is probably the best experience any person can relish, yet we have this mental list of an ideal person to fall in love with as if we’re creating a person that we think we can live with for the rest of our lives, a person who’s fully capable of meeting our expectations. But we have failed to consider the “I” when we utter the sweetest of every expression ever possible to declare, “I love you.”

Do we persevere to be the right person for the right person waiting for us on the right place and the right time? Do you think that the “I” when you say “I love you” contains every single part of you, nothing is left on other things and other people; undivided and restlessly seeking to see beyond the physical? Can you love without having to put up a list of reasons as to why you fell in love with a person? Can we really love unconditionally?

In 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 it says, “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. Love never fails…”

True love goes beyond the physical attraction, it defies the eye and it never fails to reach out to the ones who needed it the most. True love unites. True love waits, no matter how long, no matter how far the journey may take you. True love is also not limited to February because it will always protect, always hope, and always persevere; it doesn’t come and go, but it rather stays and remain for everyone to treasure forever.

What we think of as love is such a devaluation of what it truly is, it is a limitation that closes the borders of what it can become in our lives, our communities, and our relationships. The implication of it is wide and infinite not because of how well we tried to love in truth, but because of what Christ did on the cross. When he cried from the bottom of His lungs, “It is done!” Our hearts have been healed, there will be no more pain because by His stripes and wounds, we are healed. But it’s up to us to choose whether to let Him bridge and fill the emptiness that we all share. ~


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