Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kaya pa ba?

By Jurielle Cornelia | March 7, 2024

“The struggle is real.

These words are the common sentiments shared among small colleges that had to attend four games each day. The annual Silliman University (SU) Intramural games returned, but with them came the usual excitement, friendly competition, and… exhaustion. While the spirit of the games remained high, many students expressed concerns about the schedule released by the coordinators for the 2024 SU Intramurals, claiming it prioritizes quantity over student well-being.

The major gripe centered around the sheer number of games crammed into a short window. On day one, everything was packed tightly, leaving no room for considerations and breathers. Larong Pinoy, Esports, basketball, volleyball, and other sports were all scheduled simultaneously. This condensed schedule left little room for students from small colleges to juggle their time and commitment to each sport since some players had two or more sports to attend in a day.

Kaya pa ba?” the small college cried in worry and exhaustion, worrying that their players might be exhausted from the frenzy of the events that were happening. 

The issue isn’t solely about the number of games. The lack of communication and student involvement in the scheduling process is another point of contention. Many students felt their voices needed to be heard or considered when creating the schedule, leading to a sense of frustration and disconnect with the organizers.

If students were consulted in the first place, there might be a window of saving grace that might minimize the issues on scheduling and health. After all, it is the students’ privilege when it comes to addressing concerns that affect their lives and experiences as stakeholders. 

The schedules, which were announced a few days before the first intramural games commenced,  came like a gut punch for most. If one views it from a different point of view or lens, it may replicate a mob with sides trying to gain footing and advantage among others. Allied health courses desperately asking for considerations and rescheduling of their games due to overlapping schedules with their laboratory duties, small colleges panicking due to the tight schedules—it was somewhat of a horrific scene. 

However, there are glimmers of hope. Instead of being filled with frustration, small colleges were able to make themselves feel happy during the competition through jokes and gimmicks. “Bahalag pilde basta nalingaw ang audience,” they echoed, which was even more fun than being competitive. 

Even with the tough schedule, students still showed up with team spirit and enthusiasm. This scene just shows the Silliman spirit is alive and well among its people. Although the issues faced will slowly fade in the coming days, let them be a lesson for everyone when it comes to handling tough and gritty situations. Let’s hope this year’s problems will lead to even better intramurals in the future, where everyone can play and have a great time.


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