Saturday, July 27, 2024

Course Shifting 101

by John Rodrigo Alborte | December 7, 2021

Although some students I know have diverse academic experiences amidst the pandemic, in my particular situation, it was worse than I had initially thought. It all began as a joke when, in the middle of the second semester last school year 2020-2021, I began to lose interest in my first course. Look where that joke had led me to: a shift to another course that I am truly interested in. However, if this has not been the case for you and you are starting to lose interest in your current field, do not hesitate to say so. After all, several changes could be done to address this problem.

When I got into the university, I was unsure of what to take up; I still didn’t know what career path I wanted to take. 

Before enrolling, one should conduct some research and gather recommendations from other students who are taking the same course. Although some of us don’t have that much background, learning new things seems to have its own number of benefits that guarantee success and help us grow as an individual. On the other hand, I was compelled to learn something new to me — computer science.

Honestly, although I was not confident about my academic performance during the first semester, it was quite surprising that I received good grades and was a Dean’s Lister. It was an eye-opening experience since I consider myself as an average student whose goal is just to finish a four-year degree course. Without the help of my “blockmates” and friends, I wouldn’t have made it as one of the college honors. But come second semester, the joy I had turned into nightmares. I performed poorly and found myself in a state of resolution, trying to put myself together after a bad stint. It was also the time that I got involved in loads of extra-curricular tasks which often went in conflict with my academic undertakings. I began to lose interest in my course. Hence, I thought about shifting. 

Changing courses, especially if we also desire to change schools, should not be undertaken carelessly. From all the standards that we must fulfill, passing the course we are currently taking and desiring to pursue requires hard work and dedication. It was a difficult choice, and I sought guidance from my parents, particularly my mother’s sister, who is providing for my tuition. After giving it a tedious thought, we had decided to follow my conviction — and it was not easy. Mentally, I had been in despair about it for a long moment and had to shift after the second year. Physically, the nature of shifting is always an unwelcoming concept, so it can be challenging especially since it could determine the fate of your college life.

I conducted some thorough research and spoke with some seniors at the college where I would be transferring to prevent myself from committing my previous mistakes. It wasn’t actually my escape plan at all. I had already been interested in this course for some time since I was already doing the things that are related to this field with utmost passion. After nights of pondering,  I finally landed in mass communication.

If there’s one thing that’s certain in college, it’s that changes will probably happen. As we engage in new challenges, we continuously evolve. But, sometimes it is necessary to make adjustments as we get further. When we sincerely desire something, we go to any effort to ensure that we get what we truly deserve. As Lara Rutherford-Morisson remarked, “Sometimes, giving up is exactly what we should do. We’re taught to persevere no matter what, but sometimes that perseverance, that unwillingness or inability to let go, keeps us from moving forward, from finding happiness, from adapting to the curve balls that life throws our way.”

As of the moment, I am happy here in my new college. I also got the chance to meet new people, along with those who helped me decide to travel this road and start a new chapter in my college life. Right now, I will also have to make sure that this will all be worth the risk so I can give back to my parents. 

We’re afraid to seem like we’re trying to make excuses when we identify reasons to change. Giving up something is totally fine. Even if it takes extra effort to go wherever we need to, let’s take the first step.


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