Saturday, July 27, 2024

[OPINION] Women of Today

By Novah Jane Dahili | March 18, 2021

To be braver in conquering the world, that is how I see women of today.

Women are a representation of strength and power. For the past decades, women are viewed less in society. Today, they are now rocking the world. The abilities and capabilities of every woman are outshining. Now, they have embarked on different windows of opportunities.  I could never be not prouder and more empowered, however a question in my mind still lingers: with these progressive changes, does society view women as leaders?

With the incoming national elections, controversies of women leading the Philippine government are rampant and becoming absurd, as I may say. The President of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, even commented on how women are unfit for the presidency because of their “emotional set-up.” One of the numerous misogynistic comments he gave in his speeches. This is an example of how a leader in power and with great influence undermines the capacity and potential of women. 

Here’s the truth.  

Women are capable of leading and making change. Just like political leaders such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Leni Robredo who stand against patriarchy while serving to uplift people’s lives. In Congress, we have congresswomen who have authored numerous bills favoring the marginalized; and even on the grounds of Silliman University, naming it from Aprille Juanillo to Jaya Ariola and more. These are women who lead and create change in society, I, myself, saw it with my own eyes. I experienced it first hand, a leadership under a woman. Throughout the year, I’ve gained nothing but more confidence and power to also lead, initiate and stand to my principles.

Women can lead. Women are capable. Women are change-makers. Most importantly, women of today take pride in siding the masses’ interests by contributing to the struggle for genuine change and liberation of every Filipino citizen, especially the oppressed class. Women partake in protecting and fighting against oppressors and uplifting them to a better state. 

We deserve to be respected and treated well not because society sees us as “emotional and dependent” but because we are far beyond that. We are humans and we can lead, act, and at the same time, be compassionate, empathetic, and sympathetic. We are not just mere women, but we are women of pride, passion, grit,  and compassion. 

It is important to be reminded that we need to continue inspiring and influencing others in fighting for our democratic rights to eradicate patriarchal and sexist systems. We must keep in mind that the issues faced by the women sector are not isolated from the other sectors. Therefore, the fight against tyranny is also a struggle against patriarchy. 

To every woman in heart, cheers! Thank you for the undying energy and power especially to always serve the people. Surely, we can do so much more! We can bring genuine change!

 Happy Women’s Month!


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