Saturday, July 27, 2024


Pa PT Ka?

By Sarah Madison Repollo | February 29, 2024 Under the blazing heat of the afternoon sun, a game rages on at the heart of the...

Relearning Filipino Resilience

By Sarah Madison Repollo | February 23, 2024 “Estudyante siya anak, pero naningkamot diba? Dapat ingon ana pud ka.” (He’s a student but still works...

Bridging Passion and Practicality: Creativity in Diplomacy

By Zarelle Glen Dorothy Villanzana | February 23, 2024 Talking over podiums and discussing in seemingly important rooms with their ironed-out blazers and elegant poise—it’s...

AFOODable: SU Budget-friendly Food Guide 

By Kristia Niña G. Daymiel | February 16, 2024 When all three hands of the clock meet at twelve, the clinking sound of dining utensils and...

AI in Journalism: What Makes a Good Story?

By Sarah Madison Repollo | February 15, 2024 In the heart of student activities, nestled deep in Oriental Hall, the campus journalists flutter about to...

SU VSC: Celebrating Love through Art

By Kristia Niña G. Daymiel | February 9, 2024 What are artists if not driven by their passions? What is love without an outlet for its...

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