Saturday, July 27, 2024

“With the series of calamities which hit the country, what lessons have you learned?”

“I’ve learned that we should stop killing our planet and help restore it instead.We can still change everything because there is still hope.”
Mira Kristell O.Khu, BEED SPED-II

“I’ve learned that blessings can come through disasters and calamities.It reminded us that nothing in this world is permanent. Acceptance and trust in God will help us overcome.”
Erika Jean Quiñones, BS Psych I

“When told to evacuate due to a typhoon that would be hitting soon. we should follow right away to avoid loss of a loved on. As a future engineer, I’ve learned from the earthquake and typhoon that hit us, that we should follow the NSCP thoroughly and check yearly if evacuation buildings, historical landmark and other structures don’t have cracks and are strong enough to handle calamities.”

Javi Dawn Generoso, BSCE IV
“The true spirit of bayanihan is abound. I’ve learned that it’s best to help and give without expecting in return..”
Nova Danica Torres, BS Accountancy IV

Compiled by Nectarina Catada


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