Saturday, July 27, 2024

“Since it’s Filipino Values Month, what Filipino value do you think millennials should practice more often?”

For me the practice of “mano po” to parents or grandparents or to aunties and uncles, since most of the millennials today only do “beso-beso” nalang instead of the traditional “mano po.”
Charish Mae S. Chiu, Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics IV

Millenials should practice more often the value of “being on time.”
Riyah Dearly C. Naong, Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology IV

Patriotism should definitely be practiced more. Westernization is so rampant in our country to the point that we shun our own native language. We feel more pride in being proficient in English rather than in Filipino.
Anna Isabel Celis, Bachelor of Science in Biology III

I have noticed that millennials are growing up lacking a sense of community or shared destiny. We fail to somehow think that what is happening to us now might be experienced by others in the future. We tend to act rashly without considering the possible outcomes that might affect others. Millennials nowadays are politically engaged. We’re so good at criticizing the work of our government officials but have we ever asked ourselves what we have contributed for the betterment of our country? Or were we just too busy fending for own and saying “Bahala na sila”?
Ike B. Marcial, Bachelor of Science in Nursing III


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