Saturday, July 27, 2024

Finals week moves to last week of October

By Jelanie Rose T. Elvinia

FINALS WEEK FOR this semester is moved to the last week of October 2013.
“We decided to move the finals week because we [administration] can sense that not all students can pay their tuitions on time. By doing this, it also gives students a longer time in doing their final requirements such as research papers and thematic papers. It’s also the best way to strengthen teacher-student relationships here in the campus,” Silingan University president Bentong Nalaya said.
Nalaya said that in the past weeks, a lot of students aired their concerns regarding the tuition fees.
“They said that Silingan’s tuition is too big an amount. Most of them even said that they really need enough time especially their parents to look for money. And since I have a kind heart, I told them that I will find a solution about their concerns,” he said.
The president added that the two later reasons for rescheduling the finals week were just added since he wanted to present not only a single reason to the university’s constituents. In this way, he said that, “at least people will get convinced. Shhh… don’t tell them. This is off the record okay Ms. Elvinia?”
“Sure sir,” I said.
However, Nalaya said that it is really important to develop teacher-student relationships. He said that sometimes some students really get bored with their teachers during discussions or even the whole duration of the class.
“I thought that lengthening the span of time can give some teachers some time to improve their style and techniques in teaching and at the same time prove themselves to the students that they also have the ‘k’ somehow,” he said.
Nalaya said that during the final examinations, students only have to bring themselves. Ball pens, papers and snacks will be provided by the university.



NB: this article is part of the lampoon issue


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