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SUPAP launches ‘The Breather Room’

By Shareen Anjali B. Warad | News Writer

Vol. XCI No. 6

Sept. 6, 2019

Silliman University Peer Advocacy Program (SUPAP) pre-launched ‘The Breather Room’ at the 3rd floor, Oriental Hall last Aug 23. 

According to Jovy Leo Alatan, sophomore Mechanical Engineering student and President of the SUPAP, ‘The Breather Room’ was created to accommodate students who have concerns and needs.

He mentioned that the room will be handled by student volunteers and SUPAP members who underwent rigid training for basic helping skills, leadership, mental health and facilitation. “This group of students belongs to the young adult group ages 18 and above who would better understand their peers coming from the same age level,” Alatan added. 

The room will serve as a refugee center or “first stop” for students who have trouble in their academics, personal-social adjustments and family life. Alatan also mentioned that the room will be a place for students who are intimidated to go directly to their respective guidance counselors. In cases that are beyond the capacity of the SUPAPers, the frontliners of the university’s Guidance and Testing Department, the student concerned will be referred to their guidance counselor to perform proper referral protocol. 

SUPAP is the Peer Facilitators’ group in the university; they help others go through their problems by offering guidance and giving emotional support. According to Alatan, the group was originally called SUPOP or the Silliman University Peer Outreach Program; it was last year when Daryl Robinson, former SUSG president and former SUPOP president, and his batchmates together with the head of the Guidance and Testing dep’t renamed the organization to Peer Advocacy Program since the interventions were performed within the group are done for a cause (advocacy). 

‘The Breather Room’ was intentionally placed near the Personal Enhancement Program rooms to reach out to more students, especially freshmen who are still adjusting to the new environment.

The room will also showcase students’ artworks and plays. So far, since they pre-launched the room, seven to 12 students come visit and rest every day. Mr. Alatan also said that the formal launching of the facilities will come within this month.


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