Saturday, July 27, 2024

EnviroCom to monitor Zero-Waste Policy implementation

By Francis Ryan Pabiania | News Writer

Vol. XCI No. 3 — Aug. 14, 2019

Silliman University Student Government Environment Committee (SUSG EnviroCom) launched the “Waste Watch” program earlier this month of July to monitor the University’s implementation of the zero-waste policy.

EnviroCom aims to make the program a “sustainable and consistent system” instead of a “one-shot deal.” Program head Farida Iris Lagusad said they will ensure university progress in implementing the zero-waste policy.

For the development stage, the Waste Watch subcommittee will focus on the main university campus including college departments’ establishments, offices and dormitories.

“We hope to be able to help and motivate the Silliman community into making small yet impactful actions for themselves and the University as a whole,” said Lagusad, in relation to the zero-waste policy implementation.
As followed through the “Waste Watch Checklist” guide, the program will conduct random and regular monthly visit to the offices and establishments, and will monitor and evaluate their segregation, cleanliness, general waste management criteria and situational plans and problems.

For now, the subcommittee would not put forth fines or penalties. Instead, the establishments who comply with the policy will be recognized in the EnviroCom page.

They said that it will boost the establishments’ willingness and initiatives to take action on the policy of the university.

“We need to realize that we are all involved regarding this policy. We want to collaborate with all offices and establishments to help each other towards a zero-waste Silliman. Also, we cannot just rely on the heads to do the task; we need to do with what is needed with ourselves,” she added.

The Waste Watch is one of the programs conceptualized by the SUSG EnviroCom Chairpersons namely Ma. Jaya Ariola, Stefano Rafael Ledesma, and Matthew Vincent Tabilog. The Waste Watch is currently headed and continuously improved by Farida Iris Lagusad and Joel Villanueva.

“Via, veritas, vita—The Way, the Truth, and The Life. We hope we all would be able to carry out this movement along with the teachings of Silliman, and make an impact, even in the smallest details,” Lagusad said.

Meanwhile, the program committee has eight members and Lagusad said they are in need of more volunteers.


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