Saturday, July 27, 2024

Dr. Baldomero to Student Nurses: Never stop learning

By Henrie Angelie L. Tam | News Writer

Vol. XCI No. 2 — Aug. 7, 2019

“Never stop learning,” said Dr. Ryan Clifford O. Baldomero during the annual candle lighting and dedication ceremony of the Silliman University College of Nursing (SUCN) last July 26 at the SU Church.

Dr. Baldomero, guest speaker and an alumnus of the SUCN, advised the student nurses to find the time to take care of themselves, to keep on learning, to be rational thinkers and to become advocates.

He urged them to keep learning new accomplishments and to constantly improve in the profession. Nursing is dynamic and is based on the culture and the changing times, with it, nurse professionals must adapt, Dr. Baldomero said. He added that nursing is universal; hence, the challenge nurses face is on how to apply the profession towards the different cultures they may encounter.

“Go explore and question the norms, this is the beacon towards new knowledge,” he told the audience to keep an open mind on new evidence and research that may emerge in the name of science. Nurses rely on learning to be successful in their career, he added. He encouraged the students to become advocates for their patients, fellow nurses, and the profession itself.

The seniors’ challenge – to build their character, to work together, and to take care of themselves – dedicated to the second year students, was led by Renzo John Philip O. Cabagay, SUCN Level IV president. The students should also prepare themselves for the challenges that await them, Cabagay advised. The Level II president, Rachel Lynn N. Agravante, accepted the challenge on behalf of her fellow students.

With the theme, “Serving with the Fruit of the Spirit of God’s grace”, the annual ceremony commenced the 162 level II students to pledge their commitment for the service of others through the nursing profession.


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