Saturday, July 27, 2024

Silliman Performs stages Dumpawa’s Lullaby

Edna Lhou P. Masicampo | News Writer

Silliman Performs presented “Dumpawa’s Lullaby,” a musical show based on ethnomusicologist Priscilla Magdamo’s book on Visayan folk songs, last Aug. 24-26 at the Claire Isabel McGill Luce Auditorium.

The story of Dumpawa’s Lullaby follows a Manobo tale of a mother rat in search of a new lullaby to sing to her children, a journey which took her to the heart of the Visayas.

“The play teaches students to appreciate our very own culture and redefine our identity as Filipinos,” said Dr. Sonia SyGaco, one of the writers of Dumpawa’s Lullaby.

The musical was based on Magdamo’s book, The Folk Songs of the Visayas.

Magdamo completed her bachelor’s degrees in Biology and Music at Silliman University (SU) before getting a master’s degree in Voice and Ethnomusicology at Indiana University, USA.

Magdamo, an active professional musician and certified McClosky Voice Technician, has a collection of Philippine Visayan folk songs and traditional music of ethnic groups of southern Philippines.

The musical play also incorporated shadow puppetry in the production.

To prepare for the musical, the Youth Advocates for Theater Arts and the SU Fine Arts Department had a puppetry workshop.

Silliman Performs is an annual event that involves the faculty, staff and students of SU.


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