Saturday, July 27, 2024

KABSI 5: “May Ticket ka na

By Nova Veraley V. Grafe

KABSI (KABARKADANG SILLIMANIAN) will produce one of its most entertaining productions so far as their fifth leg of their biannual theater production.
Supported by the Silliman University Student Government (SUSG ) Socio-Cultural Committee, the Kabsi “Biyaheng Langit” will be on Sept. 8 and 9, 7 pm, at the Claire Isabel McGill Luce Auditorium.
Director Jai Molina Dollente said that the inspiration behind this semester’s theme is on the topic of “Salvation”.
“The essence of salvation is very important in our life…I want to reach out to young people that if you don’t have Jesus in our life, it will be very difficult to live this kind of life,” Dollente said.
She added that although the topic is serious, Kabsi will still be a comedy show.
“It will always be masaya, nakakatawa, but I assure you hindi ka aalis sa Luce nang wala kang natututunan (you will not leave Luce without learning anything from the show),” she said. The proceeds of the show will go to the SUSG Scholarship Fund.
Tickets are available at the SUSG
office at P 100.


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