Saturday, July 27, 2024

Siliman University buys new bus, improves website

By Jelanie Rose T. Elvinia
TO BE CONSISTENT with recent developments and with its plans to bolster international marketing, Silliman University has acquired a new bus and a new look to the university website to be launched before Founders celebration. Mark Raygan Garcia, director of the Office of the Information, said that the university bought a new bus to provide a better and bigger mode of transportation to the growing number of students. Garcia added that having the bus is a good way to ensure the safety of the students and the faculty while traveling as it is managed and maintained by Silliman. On the other hand, SU website ( will have its new look this month. Garcia said that it will be simpler and more directive in terms of the flow of pictures and information. He said that the website will have minor tweaks such as having “real time weather update” in Dumaguete City, drag and drop puzzle and a video blog

In terms of the video blog, Garcia encourages students to make videos about anything “under the sun” (tips on how to lose weight,  experiences in the university, etc.) and post it in the timeline of SU Facebook page. The administration will get to choose among the videos being posted and embed the chosen ones’ to the blog. He said that the university needs to make the website more appealing, innovative and interactive because it captures the attention of the students or market. “We’re developing something that is attuned to their
needs and preferences,” he said. Garcia said that developments are important: “They show progress and dynamism of a university. And they also show the intent to which the university invests its resources towards development – to better its programs and services.” The university is planning to buy a bigger bus soon. Its two old buses will be restored. The university is looking for a possibility of air-conditioning them while still maintaining their historical design.


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