Saturday, July 27, 2024

College of Nursing conducts virtual lab tour and demo

A VIRTUAL LAB-SIMULATION room was featured during the College of Nursing’s open house as part of the founder’s week celebration last Aug. 23.

The main objective of the event is to inform the public about the existence of their virtual lab, how it operates, and to expose them to simulation.

“Probably to some, simulation is new especially virtual simulation, so we let them experience this so that they know what to do and how to react because simulation has been proven to be a very effective tool,” said Asst. Prof. Osel Sherwin Y. Melad, virtual lab coordinator.

Mela added that simulation can be part of learning through virtual means.

The facility is part of Program On Leadership and Excellence in Nursing (POLEN), a project of the College of Nursing in coordination with Dr. Evalyn Abalos, the dean of the said college and Silliman University.

According to Melad, anyone can see and take a tour of the facility, even after founder’s day, provided that they make arrangements.

Along with the virtual lab tour is an ear acupuncture using the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) protocol lecture and demonstration by Asst. Prof. Rochie C. Cagara.

It tackled the five point NADA Protocol for treatment particularly of addiction and other conditions.

“This is important because this is one of the treatment modalities under alternative health care system which we see as something that is vital especially that we are under primary health care approach which encourages the use of traditional treatment modality,” said Asst. Prof. Rowena M. Turtal.

The lecture aims to promote awareness, encourage other people to attend the training about ear acupuncture this coming October, and promote the use of acupuncture, in relation to the use of alternative healthcare modalities.

“It’s refreshing; the series of lectures are quite refreshing to us Alumni, and it’s wonderful to hear from all of the graduates or the alumna who have gone here and have graduated in 1973, and to know their experiences abroad, in the US,” Shari Grace A. Umbac, BSN-RN Batch 2010, commented.

“And it’s inspiring because after so many years that have passed, they still came back here in their alma mater to serve and to impart all of their knowledge, their skills, and their compassion in the field of nursing,“ she added.

Students from Negros Oriental State University and Foundation University, professionals from La union, Manila, Zamboangga, Dumaguete, visitors from Cebu, and students attended the event.


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