Saturday, July 27, 2024

SUSG Assembly approves 12 resolutions


By Jameela Antoniette I. Mendoza



THE SILLIMAN UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNMENT (SUSG) Student Assembly approved 12 out of 14 resolutions presented by the representatives last Feb. 7 at Oriental Hall.

Two of the approved resolutions were authored by the Institute of Clinical Laboratory Sciences Reps. Cedrick Louis Antiquina and Stacey Lu Castor.

Antiquina and Castor proposed resolutions to install water fountains at the Ethel Chapman Hall and on the second floor of the Angelo King Building.

Antiquina and his co-authors, Reps. Moh’d Ryane Bogabong, Xenia Faye Gadayan, Maria Ina Elnar, Renz Macion, Josh Elleso, and Kim Brian Villamil also made a resolution specifying the date of turnover of the current SUSG administration to the next administration.

Antiquina said that he thought about this resolution because there are “some student government administrations that have very late turnover ceremonies,” and it “hampers the processes of the [incoming] student government administration.”

The resolution states that the turnover ceremony should not be later than April if the outgoing SUSG President is a graduating student, and not later than June if the president is a continuing student.

Meanwhile, a resolution by Silliman University (SU) Medical School Rep. Gil Alcoran to place a kiosk in front of Pulido Hall was also approved.

The resolution aims to request the College of Business Administration and the SU Buildings and Grounds Department for a kiosk that will be nearer to the SU Medical School.

Alcoran said that medical students have “limited options” with the Pulido Hall cafeteria and Bossing’s Tempura stand near their building, and have no time to go to other food shops because of their schedules.

Another approved resolution was the resolution to establish an operations manual for all basic executive committee processes and operations.

The resolution was authored by Rep. Gil Buenavista and co-authored by Reps. Andre Joshua Aniñon and Ayla Veremeika Gaudiel.

“Based on my experience as a previous Vice-Chair for [Advocacy Committee] and a current Vice-Chair for Finance, I’d say it really takes time to fully endorse what are the dos and don’ts of running an executive committee,” said Buenavista.

The assembly also agreed that the operations manual should be available by the time of the turnover ceremony.

Meanwhile, an issue raised in a ‘USpeak’ event by the Students’ Rights and Welfare committee on the honorarium of student assistants was addressed in an approved resolution.

The regular honorarium rate for student assistants is Php 20 per hour, but in the SU Library, the honorarium is Php 23 per hour.

The resolution requests university administration to “equalize the student assistants’ honorarium rate in all offices and departments” to Php 25 per hour.

“I’m not comparing, but I think that it’s just right that we push for this resolution to give just compensation for our student assistants who are really working hard balancing their academics and all their work in their respective offices,” said Elleso.

Authors for the resolution on the honorarium rate are Reps. Macion, Elnar, Antiquina, Elleso, and Shahadat Samsurin.

A resolution to repair the green benches along the east and west quadrangle, authored by Reps. Macion, Elnar, and Antiquina, was also approved.

Macion said that the benches “are not serving their purpose” because they “are not in good condition anymore.”

Macion also said that the green benches can be unsafe because of the rusty nails on the benches.

Another resolution authored by Reps. Macion, Elnar, and Antiquina is a request to the university to provide additional funds for the winner of the Silliman Film Open “for further national and local endeavor.”

The resolution aims to “encourage more students to venture into filmmaking” and “[empower] student directors to spread awareness on various social issues through their work” with the amount that will be awarded to the winner of the Silliman Film Open.

Macion said that the amount will depend on the university. “We cannot demand the university. Any amount will do, as long as it can help,” he added.

Rep. Aniñon agreed and said that sometimes, “artists get devalued with their work” and that financial support is important for artists.

Moreover, four of the approved resolutions were made by SU High School (SUHS) Representatives Amidala Gabrielle Quisumbing, Carissa Araco, and Ayla Veremeika Gaudiel.

The resolutions for the SU Junior High School (SUJHS) proposed for new plastic tables in the SUJHS campus, bag hooks to be installed in all cubicles of SUJHS comfort rooms, and a clock for the SUJHS canteen.

There was also a resolution to request the administration to extend the benches in front of SU Elementary School to SUHS.

However, there were two resolutions that were not approved by the assembly and are subject to revisions by the authors.

One resolution that was not approved was a resolution “restoring the efficacy of the student’s discount on the radiology test for the first semester” by Rep. Buenavista.

Buenavista said that the problem with the radiology test requirement to enroll for the first semester was that although it was announced that students who enrolled for summer classes would pay 50 percent less, some students who paid the discounted Php 140 were still charged in their accounts for the remaining Php 140.

The second resolution that was not approved was the request for the “utilization, beautification, or renovation” of the Science Complex Park by Rep. Christdell Ragay.~




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