Saturday, July 27, 2024

CON, CAS win intrams pageant

By Paul Ray Donaire | February 26, 2024

Candidates from the College of Nursing (CON) and College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) won Mr. and Miss Intramurals 2024, respectively. 

The pageant occurred on Feb. 25 at the Silliman University (SU) Cimafranca Ballfield during the opening ceremony of the Silliman University Intramurals 2024.

Josiah David Maraat represented CON in the men’s category, while Aileen Anlap represented CAS in the women’s category.

In his winning answer, Maraat said, “I believe, as a coach at 3-Bar Fitness, I’ve been leading the way for the younger generation to come in and work on their physical abilities—not only to help them mentally, but also physically, pursue their goals in every way.”

He also said that esports is no different from other usual sports, and the same dedication and discipline are required to succeed. 

“Ladies and gentlemen, each sport takes dedication, time, and practice, and all athletes here know the pain that we have gone through to come [to] this point. So, let us all cheer all the colleges on with camaraderie and sportsmanship,” he said.

Meanwhile, Anlap said that the intramurals is an avenue to showcase talent, skills, and sportsmanship. 

“Sportsmanship encompasses broad values such as camaraderie, teamwork, respect, responsibility for our actions, and accountability for the consequences of such. But most of all, sportsmanship lets us be glorious in victory and so much more glorious in defeat,” she said. 

“And with that, if we inculcate these values within ourselves, we become an individual who is wholesome and someone who is a benefit to our society. And together we can make a progressive society where each one of us will not just coexist, [but] thrive as well,” Anlap added.

In the men’s category, the Institute of Rehabilitative Sciences (IRS) placed second, followed by the School of Public Affairs and Governance in third and the College of Engineering and Design (CED) in fourth. 

In the women’s category, CED, IRS, and the Institute of Clinical Laboratory Sciences placed second, third, and fourth, respectively.

Additionally, both Anlap and her partner, Andrew Uy, from CAS, bagged the Best in Sports Attire award. 

Senior high school candidates Sean Montebon and Nica Ephan also garnered the men’s and women’s categories in the People’s Choice award.


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