Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ex-CAS rep named city SK Fed VP, calls out prexy

By Allianah Junnice Bolotaulo | November 30, 2023

After winning the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) elections, Hon. Crissan Charls Bantaya was elected vice president (VP) of this year’s Dumaguete City SK Federation last Nov. 14. 

A third-year bachelor of arts in political science student from the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), Hon. Bantaya won the SK chairperson position of Barangay Buñao.

The federation also elected Hon. Miguel Aseniero, Poblacion 3 SK chairperson and SU senior high school student from the accountancy, business, and management strand, as its new president. 

However, Hon. Bantaya said that the newly elected president is still yet to formally meet with his officers. 

The SK Fed VP further described this inability to communicate and convene with the rest of the federation as “truly fearful for the youth of Dumaguete.”

“If you feel the gravity of the accountability you bear as an elected federation president, as much as possible, you would call for a meeting [to] discuss your plans, and that I do not see in the current elected president,” he said. 

As of writing, Hon. Aseniero has not responded to tWS’ interview request. 

As former college rep

Earlier this month, Hon. Bantaya publicly announced his resignation from the 33rd Silliman University Student Government (SUSG) – Student Assembly where he held the position of CAS representative.

He also served as Committee on Impeachment chairperson during his stint in the assembly.

In his resignation letter, Hon. Bantaya expressed his “fear” that his membership in the assembly would “hinder the efficacy” of his leadership in carrying out his duties to the city. 

He also said that being in both city and school government positions would “leave the SU student body unsatisfied and disappointed.” 

Bantaya’s advocacy 

The lack of activities involving the youth pushed Hon. Bantaya to run for the position of SK chairperson. 

“I wanted to share my leadership skills and experiences in our barangay so that they would also benefit from what I have learned in the community,” he said. 

As such, his advocacy focuses on youth empowerment, active citizenship, and global mobility. 

With an added responsibility as the federation’s VP, he emphasized the importance of “political education first.”

Hon. Bantaya further expressed that establishing strong political education is a way to empower the youth. 

“Our constitution sets so little standard for running public officials where qualifications such as age and [the ability] to read and write are the requirements,” he said.

He added, “I truly advocate for political education first so that we will be able to orient the youth or the people that [voting for officials] should not only be based on networks and connections, but rather on advocacies, qualifications, experiences, [and] track record.”

Hon. Bantaya enumerated political education seminars and parliamentary procedure training for SK officials as ways to achieve his advocacy.


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