Saturday, July 27, 2024

SUROTC adapts hybrid learning modality

by Allianah Junnice Bolotaulo | October 21, 2022


The Silliman University Reserve Officer Training Corps recently listed cadets who are to undergo the very first “hybrid learning” modality as both virtual and in-person learning activities become utilized in the implementation of limited face-to-face classes this school year. 

To accommodate the new modality, the pre-pandemic Program of Instruction and the adjusted version during Online Distance Learning were combined.

SUROTC Secretary 2Lt. Rodolfo Locsin Jr. cited, “The training staff of SUROTC Unit are flexible in the conduct of its training, we have to adhere to the policies of the university and the teaching style to have it blended.”

The unit’s training staff had to improvise learning activities during the pandemic to continue with training. 

“We were not provided any guidance or instruction from our superiors in the RCDG [Regional Community Defense Group], CDC [Community Defense Center], or even in Manila, we ourselves had to come up with initiatives,” he said. 

Among the makeshift means were assigned video tasks of performing the proper conduct for movements, webinars, first aid training, backyard gardening, and documented tree growing. 

Entering the first year of hybrid learning modality, these ‘makeshift’ means have become new learning materials for the SUROTC cadets to use and build foundations on, serving as their guides and practice lessons before heading for their Saturday in-person meetings.

Wednesdays are now reserved for synchronous sessions, while Saturdays are for in-person meetings.

“We shall continue to come-up with ideas that would benefit both our students and the instructors provided that we are in-line with the ideas and values of the Armed Forces of the Philippines,” he said.

He added, “The training here in ROTC compared to other schools or other universities that you’ve heard of is different because we really focus on our students to have the discipline and as well the courtesy that they can bring up to their second year or even when they become professionals.” 


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