Saturday, July 27, 2024

College Rep bets share stance on major issues

by theWeeklySillimanian | May 11, 2022

The 34 candidates for the SUSG student assembly this year said they are against Vice Presidential candidate Sara Duterte-Carpio’s push for mandatory military service for all Filipinos if elected in the 2022 national elections.

Earlier in the SUSG Election Forum, the college representatives bets from the Concerted Action for the Upliftment of Students’ Endeavors (CAUSE) and Students’ Union for Reforms (SURE) parties showed their stance on the major university, local and national issues.

This was during one of the segments of the forum where they quickly answered yes or no to issues. These include the university’s COVID-19 response, endorsement of political candidates, face-to-face classes, 174 Dumaguete reclamation project, and among others


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