Saturday, July 27, 2024

Davao org reunites to help

By Kristine Ann M. Fernandez

Sillimanian Davaoeños came together to raise funds for typhoon Yolanda victims during the official revival of their regional organization, Hijos de Davao.
Held Saturday at the Silliman Church catacombs, the charity sale sold coffee and cookies, proceeds of which would be endorsed to the SU Student Government.
Jairah Hernani, president of Hijos de Davao, said that they chose to do the fundraiser along with the comeback of their organization “to support our hometown [Davao] in caring for our fellow Filipinos.”
“We have also observed that our mayor [Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte] is widely known for the difference he is making in extending a hand to those affected by the typhoon. In a way we saw how our city helped out in complete self-denial and so we too wanted to do the same thing,” said Hernani.
Originally established around the 1960s, Hijos de Davao aims to gather Sillimanians from the Davao Region to be “closer rather than outstanding only on the outside”and to be “different together.”


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