Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Other Kings and Queens

By Roberto Klemente R. Timonera

Silliman University’s Founders season is when a lot of big-time contests happen: Miss Silliman, Mr. Hibalag, and the inter-college cheerdance competition, to name a few. There is considerable hype surrounding these contests, and the winners gain a huge fan base and the chance to make a change in society. But of course, there are also the less
hyped-up contests, the ones that go on in the Hibalag booth area in between song numbers, which nonetheless take considerable endurance and determination. It is to the winners of these contests that this article is dedicated.

Jerrymar G. Jamilla  BS Architecture-II U A P S A - S UChapter Winner, Burger Eating Contest
Jerrymar G. Jamilla
BS Architecture-II
U A P S A – SU Chapter
Winner, Burger Eating Contest

Q: What motivated you to join the contest?
A: Actually I was waiting for the tempura eating contest, and we were just there, sitting at the UAPSA booth waiting, then we heard about the burger eating contest then I said to my friends maybe we should join this one instead of the tempura eating contest. Then they said, sige go, chada ni bai. And some of our friends told us, go join that one. Then the last thing I know I was on the stage with a burger in my hand, eating.

Q: How many burgers did you eat? 
A: Just one, one big burger.

Q: During the contest, what kept you going?
A: When I first saw the burger, I said whoa. That’s one big burger. Can I really eat this? Can I really beat those other contestants? And I said I think I can do this, well I have nothing to lose, and if I lose, this will be one of
the most amazing experiences that I’ll ever have here in SU.

Q: Burgers are something of an uppercut to the heart. Do you ever regret eating that much in one sitting?
A: Let’s say a 20% I regret eating that burger, because during the time when I finish eating the whole burger, my stomach really hurts. but the thing I didn’t regret was the fun and experience I had during that time. And also the taste of the burger is really amazing.

Bon Louise Y. Rana BSMT-IV Renaissance Youth Leadership Forum (RYLF) Winner, Tempura Eating Contest.
Bon Louise Y. Rana BSMT-IV
Renaissance Youth Leadership Forum (RYLF)
Winner, Tempura Eating Contest.

Q: You’ve won this contest for three years in a row. What motivates you to keep joining?
A: Actually when I first joined this contest, it was mainly to represent my Renaissance Youth Leaders Forum (RYLF) organization and since I am fond of eating spicy food then I took this contest as a fun challenge.

Q: On average, how many level 5 tempuras do you eat per contest?
A: It depends on the time limit given by the organizers because it differs every year, but I think the average number of tempuras I can eat per contest is 9 to 15.

Q: When was the last time you cried eating something spicy? What food was it?
A: Hehe, never tried.

Q: What is the secret to your tolerance for spicy food?
A: Well it is not a secret for me because I do eat spicy food everyday, like every meal.

Aleksei Franco S. Guevarra BSME-II Red Shield Winner, Pancit Canton Eating Contest
Aleksei Franco S. Guevarra
Red Shield
Winner, Pancit Canton Eating Contest

Q: What motivated you to join the contest?
A: My stomach wanted me to join the contest. Haha! Because I was very hungry at the time.

Q: How did you endure the spiciness of it all?
A: I didn’t feel anything when I started to eat it but instead afterwards. I’m immune to pancit canton spiciness.

Q: What went on in your mind during the contest?
A: Nervous, embarrassed because I had sinusitis. My mucus went out. Haha!

Q: These days, what do you feel when you see a plate of pancit canton?
A: Normal reaction. Just want to eat it.

Krysta Modinne K. Buenafe Fourth year, Silliman University High School Winner, Kalokalike Contest
Krysta Modinne K. Buenafe
Fourth year, Silliman University
High School
Winner, Kalokalike Contest

Q: Why Ryzza Mae?
A: Ryzza Mae because many people told me that I look and danced like her. Also, when I was still in my elementary years I used to have bangs. HAHA

Q: What steps did you take in preparing for the contest?
A: I was invited by Rodolf Amor from Ang Sandigan. I received a message from him through facebook. He told me that he saw me when I joined in a Kalokalike contest held at the gym. So, I was really excited to join because I am honored to be a Kalokalike of Ryzza

Q: What went on in your mind while you were on stage?
A: While I was on stage that night, I was having doubts whether I would win or not. I was thinking of how blessed I was to be on that stage and to represent High School.

Q: What was the most difficult part about playing Ryzza Mae?
A: The most difficult part about playing Ryzza Mae is that she knows how to entertain the crowd and that I have to bring that part of Ryzza that night. Also, how to play and be like Ryzza but still be myself.


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