Saturday, July 27, 2024

The 4 Ps in a Pod

By Maria Fiona A. Labucuas, Feature Writer

First Printed on Vol. XCI No. 1. July 30, 2019.

Students who have taken research subjects have most likely heard of one if not all of the “4 Ps” of the English Department. The 4 Ps are jokingly considered by some as the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.” In most cases, students avoid enrolling in their classes or contemplate on dropping the subject when already in their classes. The stories of students getting  low marks in their classes are modern day horror stories that will never be forgotten. 

The four Ps are called as such because their last names start with the letter P. These teachers are Ma’am Hellene Pinero, Asst. Prof. Lady Flor Partosa, Asst. Prof. Ronelaine Picardal, and Asst. Principal Myla June Patron. They are known for being strict, being tough on their students, and for having high standards.

Allandra Gandola, a Grade 12 ABM student, said that she personally experienced being in one of the 4 Ps’ research classes which resulted in her losing her academic scholarship last year. She even compares that particular ‘P’ jokingly to the likes of Thanos. However, she admits that because of her teacher’s high standards during their oral recitation and oral defense, her grammar and speaking skills have improved significantly.

Other students who have experienced being in the 4 Ps’ classes shared that they learned to work better under pressure because of them. They learned skills that could be used outside the classroom.

Contrary to popular belief, the 4 Ps aren’t a one-way ticket to “Goodbye Honors” town. These “terror” teachers may be tough and scary, but that’s only because they care. Ma’am Pinero once explained to her students that the reason she challenges her students is because not doing so would be an insult to their intelligence. These “terror” teachers want students to maximize their learning. They make it difficult for students to challenge them to be better than what they already are.

Asst. Prof. Ronelaine Picardal acknowledges that she is probably known as “tough” in terms of classroom policies, attendance, and deadlines. She said, “I believe that by imposing such expectations in class may help students develop effective time management, do better decision-making, and demonstrate appreciation of the opportunity/privilege to have access to quality education.” She also adds that this will prepare them to meet the expectations set in their future workplaces.

The reason the 4 Ps are famous (or infamous) among students is because of their unique teaching style which, because they are unconventional and outside most students’ comfort zones, is feared or even hated. However, this antagonism against them, one may realize later on, may be purely from immaturity. If not for these “terror” teachers, students would take longer to adjust and cope with stress.

Ironically, the 4 Ps create good memories once the semester is over. Every time someone mentions one of them or reminisces the time they were in their class with their friends or classmates, it generates laughter. They recall the stress and the pressure they had but also admit that they wouldn’t be the persons they are today had they not been in any of those classes. 


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