Saturday, July 27, 2024

Quenching Summer Boredom

By: Junelie Anthony Velonta


It’s starting to look a lot like summer (if we look past Finals Week, that is). Fun and adventure wait idly as the calendar numbers grow to a transition. But, let’s face it, there are always wee little times (or very large periods, even eons, for some) that life will become as boring as it could be. From facing the very blue sky flat on our backs (while having to suffer from sun burn because El Niño) to watching the electric fan turn, boredom makes the most non-stimulating experience for us. What better way to activate our dormant minds than to watch a few interesting shows.

First up is an ongoing series named The Night Manager (interested with the title yet?). Inspired by the work of John le Carré, it follows the story of British soldier turned hotel concierge Jonathan Pine (did I mention this guy is portrayed by Tom Hiddleston? Oh, I did already) as he infiltrates the tangled web of secret arms trade. According to BBC, this is a daring story of a man on a solo mission and, not just that, renowned actors like Tom Hiddleston, Hugh Laurie (I knew him as a comedian. Maybe you knew him as a House, with an MD. hehe), Olivia Colman and others take the major roles. From the man who authored spectacular works such as “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy” and “A Most Wanted Man”, this show will surely give you a bloody good time.

Next up is the show that will change your perception of the Lord of Hell (well, not quite as he tends to live up to his name), Lucifer. An ongoing series which aired in January, this is an adaptation from the DC Comics’ comic book series of the same name. It follows the story of none other than Lucifer Morningstar (a name so ironic in so many levels, just like Dante’s Inferno) as he abandons the throne to hell for the beauty of Los Angeles which, according to Deadline, is where he gets his kicks helping the LAPD punish criminals. Aside from the normal crime-busting and suspense, it also shows the routine of Lucifer as he runs his own nightclub aptly named Lux (the irony is making me rust) and exposes sinners in public. With the unconventional characters and story, this show is a hell to look out for.

Lastly, what show gives you dragons, politics, murder, vengeance, magic, gore and another dead Sean Bean? It’s none other than Game of Thrones. Almost everyone is familiar with this story of major-characters-are-meant-to-die and struggles to usurp, beseech, and maintain the Iron Throne (which may be the most uncomfortable chair in the whole world). Now on its sixth season which will air this April, the story now zooms in on the personal adventures of the few remaining and alive main characters and their struggles. Swept furiously by the rabid political winds, these characters struggle with the consequences that their fate and decisions have created. And oh, there’s a “possibility”, according to Metro UK, that some characters (I’m talking about the dead(?) Jon Snow) will resurface in the story. If you want to have a good time watching sword fights, listening to the whims of a kingdom divided, and enjoying some scenes (I’ll leave this statement to open interpretation), then this show is for you.

Summer is fast approaching, and so are all the fun and adventures. But when boredom strikes and fun activities are all exhausted, look no further than to binge-watch these shows.





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