Saturday, July 27, 2024

Pets of Silliman University: A Short Guide

By Sarah Madison Repollo | September 28, 2023

Who is your favorite campus pet?

Silliman University is home to a plethora of flora and fauna. The place was deemed a wildlife sanctuary by the Board of Trustees way back in 2019, with the campus being home to a large variety of trees, birds, amphibians, among others. The university’s animalia are not limited to the borders of Dumaguete, as an endangered deer species resides in a sanctuary of the school’s in Palinpinon, Valencia. But to the students, there are certain creatures that catch their eyes more than others.

These are the campus pets!

  1. Charles

Previously the College of Nursing’s building, Roble Hall is now Senior High’s station, along with their feline friends–of course. Charles is a grayish cat with an easy-to-spot collar. The turquoise shade accessory blends him right in with the department’s signature color. You can usually find him hanging around the entrance to the faculty rooms or by the area’s lab. 

  1. Horses of the Ballfield

In the Cimafranca Ballfield, located right across from the Silliman University Medical Center, there resides two elegant steeds. A pair of white and brown horses is a staple sight at the grounds. Whether you’re fighting the heat during an ROTC session or simply enjoying the sunlight while sitting on the bleachers, the horses will always be there.

  1. Molly

Miss Molly is the resident orange cat of Roble Hall. It seems that cats enjoy the company of senior high students, as Charles, Molly, and her kittens have made this side of the campus their home. While she used to travel around the school alone, she now has a kitten trailing after her at all times. Children really do follow in their parents’ footsteps.

  1. Frogs of the Science Department

Silliman is full of shortcuts and lesser known passages. Behind the ICT building and on the way to Ausejo Hall, a man-made pond is filled with amphibians. For anyone who is not a fan of the slimy creatures, perhaps another path might strike your fancy more. 

  1. Bats of the Library

Where the College of Mass Communication, the Multipurpose Hall, and the Library meet, a colony of bats hangs from the ceilings. They go relatively unnoticed by the student population, but the distinct smell of the area is enough to alert Sillimanians to the nocturnal mammals’ existence. Next time you pass by, don’t forget to look up. 

  1. Sparky

While not usually allowed to have pets, the girls of Edith Carson made an exception for one special dog. Sparky was a white pup who originally belonged to a previous dorm head. Because the dog bonded so well with the residents, the dorm became his new home. Unfortunately, Sparky passed away recently, but his memory continues to live on in the hearts of the dormers. 

Regardless of who your favorite pet is, one thing is for certain: Silliman is a home to humans and animals alike. So the next time you traverse the campus, look out for furry friends and creatures in your surroundings—you might just find your favorite campus pet.


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